Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Who Needs a Friend?

The most important thing a homeless person needs is a true friend

Re brainstorming

Called a lot if shelter and was only able to get in touch with 1. She said the best way we could help is hire women with a criminal record. Unfortunately that did not work for our design brief. We continued to brainstorm and thought that friendship and relationships are the best way to build confidence.

Pen pals

The Bra That Hugs @ Greene Turtle Towson

Event Page:

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Bra That Hugs Tags

Letter to Companies Asking for Donations

Hello, We are a group of students from Towson University in Baltimore, Maryland and we are planning an event aimed to help battered women living in shelters in our area. The most needed items in women’s shelters are bras. We are planning an event, The Bra That Hugs, where we will collect donations of new and gently used bras. At the event, the women donating bras will fill out a tag with an uplifting message for the woman who will receive the bra. The second part of the project will be an event held at a women’s shelter in Baltimore City. This will be the distribution of the bras, where we will have the bras sorted by size and also have a sizing station for women who do not know their size.
We are looking for any and all donations including bras, funding, etc. Any corporate sponsors will be acknowledged at both events. If you are interested in donating, please respond to this email and we will give you more information about where to send donations. Again, even the smallest contribution is greatly appreciated.
                           The Bra That Hugs Team

Sent to:
-Victoria's Secret
-Bali Intimates
-Soma Intimates
-Lingerie Lingerie
-Bra La La

Advertising/Poster Design

Battered Women Research

National studies estimate that 3 to 4 million women are beaten each year in our country. A study conducted in 1995 found that 31% of women surveyed admitted to having been physically assaulted by a husband or boyfriend. Domestic violence is the leading cause of injury to women between the ages of 15 and 44 in our country, and the FBI estimates that a woman is beaten every 15 seconds. Thirty percent of female homicide victims are killed by partners or ex-partners and 1,500 women are murdered as a result of domestic violence each year in the United States.

Characteristics Of Victims
  1. In all socio-economic, educational, racial and age groups.
  2. 50% of battered women report violence in family of origin.
  3. Many report marrying young to escape violent homes.
  4. Many, not all, witnessed some form of abuse as children or adults.
  5. Low self-esteem. Question their right to have any better life than the one they presently have with violence.
  6. Underestimate themselves and believe that they cannot do better on their own.
  7. Feel powerless and believe they have no choices.
  8. Hopeless and immobilized by the abuser taking control of the victim. Seem to lose the ability to make independent decisions and changes.
  9. Depression, suicide, substance abuse, psychosomatic illnesses are all coping behaviors observed with victims.
  10. Lack of trust due to a history of isolation and feelings of helplessness.
  11. Chronic apprehension. Agitation and anxiety about routine decisions is frequent
  12. Unable to relax, disturbed sleeping patterns. Always feel as if they are being guarded.
  13. Peace keepers. Trying to keep the home calm, so the abuser isn’t triggered.
  14. Take blame.
  15. Feel guilty because they disturb neighbors, their children have problems, and their families get hurt and involved. Feel that they are responsible for the abusers actions.
  16. Usually female.
  17. Care givers. Desire to nurture, rescue, and take care of others.

One in four women (25%) has experienced domestic violence in her lifetime.

Bra Donation from Lingerie Lingerie

Bra Donations: Lingerie Lingerie

Bra Distribution

The Bra That Hugs team will be distributing the donated bras to a shelter that is part of the Young Women's Christian Association  of Greater Baltimore.

Bra Facts: Wikipedia

In 2006, the average American woman owned six bras, one of which was a strapless bra, and one in a color other than white.[59] In 2012, women owned an average of 9 bras and wore six of them on a regular basis.[58] Consumers spend around $16 billion a year on bras.[58] In the last 15 years alone, the average bust among North American women has increased from 34B to 36C. A number of sources state that about 90% of Western women wear bras, although no authoritative source for this fact is available.[10][60][61] Some women wear bras because of feelings of modesty or because it is a cultural norm and they fear criticism or unwanted attention. Some wear bras because they believe it improves their appearance, while a minority prefer to go without because they find it more comfortable.[62] Some women mistakenly believe wearing a bra helps avoid sagging breasts.[63]
In a cross-cultural study of bra size and cancer in 9,000 women during the 1960s, a Harvard group found 93% wore bras (from 88% in the UK to 99% in Greece), but could not find enough women in Japan who wore bras to complete their study.[64] In a number of cultures, including Europe and other Westernized countries outside the United States, there are fewer social restrictions against sunbathing or swimming topless.[65] A Harris Survey commissioned by Playboy asked more than 1,000 women what they like in a bra. Among the respondents, 67% said they like wearing a bra over going braless, while 85% wanted to wear a "shape-enhancing bra that feels like nothing at all." They were split over underwire bras, 49% said they prefer underwire bras while 49% said they prefer wireless bras.[66]

The Bra, AKA Confidence Booster.

From the outside a bra may only be seen as product used for support, but for a woman, it can mean so much more. As a woman, can you imagine walking around in public without any support? Now imagine yourself struggling to get by without the choice of weather you can wear a bra or not. For many women this is the case. Women who are going through rough times are often taken under the wing of a women's shelter or homeless shelter. In these shelters they are giving the resources to get back on their feet. Women in these cases are in need of many things, most importantly food, but in order to truly become independent, they need a source of income. Job interviews can be nerve racking as it is. Imagine going to job interview and not having that extra self esteem booster that many women take for granted...A BRA. 
Not wearing a bra could also lead to sexual harassment which in no way can boost a woman's confidence. 
"The bra drive serves a dual purpose, so for our women it is a self-esteem builder but its also an additional layer of clothing,"
"Bras do a lot of things, who knew they could ever be protection, but this is an incredibly important thing when you understand the protective aspect of it. It's very touching to me when you think about that,"

First scientific research into uplifting lingerie proves push-up bras make women 75 per cent more confident.

University of Manchester study proves push-up bra alone significantly boosts confidence

A total of 60 video recordings were made of female participants aged 20 to 55, filmed in three different everyday interactions. Footage was compared of them wearing a push-up bra and wearing their own normal, everyday bra.
Professor Beattie and his team analysed the three key micro-behaviours associated with confidence and observed their frequency within the recordings. 
  • Smiling - which represents positive emotion and signals confidence increased dramatically by 73 per cent when the women were wearing a push up bra. 
  • Averting gaze and breaking eye contact - normally associated with low confidence - decreased by 41 per cent. 
  • self-comforting hand movements such as stroking of the chin or wiping the forehand, which is a signpost to low self confidence, decreased by 64 per cent during the trial. 

Professor of Psychology at The University of Manchester Geoff Beattie called the results 'striking'.

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Soma does a bra drive where they have collected almost a quarter million bras!!
“At Soma, we believe that no woman should have to make the decision between putting food on the table and buying a bra,” said Laurie Van Brunt, Soma Intimates' brand president. “The simple act of donating a bra helps these women to focus on rebuilding and recovering from the hardships of domestic violence.”
According to Van Brunt, a bra is one of the least donated but most in-demand items for women in need.
“When we learned that there are thousands of women going without an item that most of us consider part of our daily routine, we knew we had to do something,” she said.

Process: Emails

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

The Soma Bra Donation
The Soma Bra Donation is similar to the bra that hugs, except our first event includes a personal message from the donor to the recipient. The purpose of the messages is to inspire, reach out to, and comfort those in need. It is a way to connect people to one another.

Bra's and Homelessness
"It's bad enough that most women — experts estimate that it's more than three-quarters —don't wear the proper size bra (yes, we probably mean you), it's worse to have none at all."
"Bras are typically the least donated and most needed items for women who are homeless or victims of domestic violence. Because not wearing a bra can be so noticeable, it can create an embarrassing, esteem-deflating stigma."

Domestic Violence Effects-Wikipedia


Among victims who are still living with their perpetrators high amounts of stress, fear, and anxiety are commonly reported. Depression is also common, as victims are made to feel guilty for ‘provoking’ the abuse and are frequently subjected to intense criticism. It is reported that 60% of victims meet the diagnostic criteria for depression, either during or after termination of the relationship, and have a greatly increased risk of suicidality.[65] In addition to depression, victims of domestic violence also commonly experience long-term anxiety and panic, and are likely to meet the diagnostic criteria for Generalized Anxiety Disorder and Panic Disorder. The most commonly referenced psychological effect of domestic violence is Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder(PTSD). PTSD (as experienced by victims) is characterized by flashbacks, intrusive images, exaggerated startle response, nightmares, and avoidance of triggers that are associated with the abuse.[66] These symptoms are generally experienced for a long span of time after the victim has left the dangerous situation. Many researchers state that PTSD is possibly the best diagnosis for those suffering from psychological effects of domestic violence, as it accounts for the variety of symptoms commonly experienced by victims of trauma.


Domestic violence can trigger many different responses in victims, all of which are very relevant for any professional working with a victim. Major consequences of domestic violence victimization include psychological/mental health issues and chronic physical health problems. A victim’s overwhelming lack of resources can lead to homelessness and poverty.

Domestic Violence

Domestic violence

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Domestic violence and abuse is not limited to obvious physical violence. Domestic violence can 
also mean endangerment, criminal coercion, kidnapping, unlawful imprisonment, trespassing, 
harassment, and stalking.[5]Domestic violence, also known as domestic abusespousal 
abusebatteringfamily violence, and intimate partner violence (IPV), is defined as a pattern
of abusive behaviors by one partner against another in an intimate relationship such as marriage,
dating, family, or cohabitation.[1]Domestic violence, so defined, has many forms, including physical
aggression or assault (hitting, kicking, biting, shoving, restraining, slapping, throwing objects), or
threats thereof; sexual abuse; emotional abuse; controlling or domineering; intimidation; stalking;
passive/covert abuse (e.g.,neglect); and economic deprivation.[1][2] Alcohol consumption[3] and
mental illness[4] can be co-morbid with abuse, and present additional challenges in eliminating
domestic violence. Awareness, perception, definition and documentation of domestic violence
differs widely from country to country, and from era to era.